16 October 2010

4 -12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail. It is made
from poly sun screen materal
that has been cut and then
resewed to make the stripes

12 October 2010

12 in 4-BD double

12 in 4-BD double. It is made from
poly sun screen materal that is cut
and then resewed to make the
stripes. SOLD

10 October 2010

4-12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail.This is made
from poly sun screen materal. I
tryed to sort of make it look like
it has eyes

03 October 2010

4-12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail. They are made
from poly screen materal. Lite and
dark pink materal and blue.