30 November 2009

12 in 4 blade DB

12 in 4 blade double spinner.
made from banner vinyl.
one is red,whiteand blue.
sec is red,white and green.
this was a made for a person.

21 November 2009

DB 9 in blades X 3

DB 9 in blades X 3 are made from
poly sun screen and orange coated
oxford that has a glow when light
hit it when dark. they do spin fast
when the wind goes.

02 November 2009

DB 9 in blades X 3

9 in DB blades X three. the blue
is banner vinyl and orange is
coated oxford that shines bright
when you put a light on it at
night. like safe reflector. blades
1 and 3 go clock wise and 2 goes
counter clockwise.