16 October 2010

4 -12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail. It is made
from poly sun screen materal
that has been cut and then
resewed to make the stripes

12 October 2010

12 in 4-BD double

12 in 4-BD double. It is made from
poly sun screen materal that is cut
and then resewed to make the
stripes. SOLD

10 October 2010

4-12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail.This is made
from poly sun screen materal. I
tryed to sort of make it look like
it has eyes

03 October 2010

4-12 in BD with sail

4-12 in BD with sail. They are made
from poly screen materal. Lite and
dark pink materal and blue.

18 September 2010

4 BD 12 in with sail (light house)

4 BD 12 in with sail (light house)
this is made from poly sun screen
with ad nylon for design

4 BD 9 in with sail

4 BD 9 in with sail . It made from
banner vinyl that is cut and resewed.
makes nice rings.

08 August 2010

2 sets of 2 -24in BD with sail

2 sets of 2-24in BD with sail.
they are made from poly sun
screen materal. they have
nylon designs on them.
these are big spinners.

05 August 2010

4-12in BD with sail

4-12in BD with sail made from
poly sun screen materal. This
is a new design for me butterflys.
Think that they turned out
pretty good hope that they are
liked. Let me know what you think.

29 July 2010

4 -12in BD with sail & lighthouses

4- 12 in BD with sail & lighthouses.
the spinner is made of poly sun screen
and design is pre glue nylon materal
all cut and attached to make them.

23 July 2010

4 - 9 in BD with sail

4-9in BD with sail made from poly
sun screeen all. This is what i call a
cut and resew stripes. Color is green
and tan with green woven in.

16 July 2010

4 -16in BD with sail and banner

4 -16 in BD with sail and banner. made
from poly sun screen with banner vinyl
trim. Design is made from adhesive nylon.
This is made for the Ocean Shores Kites
store in Washington. The owner likes
yellow and black kites and smiley faces.

24 June 2010

8 in 4BD with sail

8 in 4BD with sail. made out of poly sun
screen both colors. Lady bug made from
pre glue nylon materal. made for a
buyer. takes a lot of wind because
it has small bds.

18 June 2010

12 in 4 BD with sail

12 in 4 BD with sail made with silver
and gold coated nylon. the blades are
double materal so that to get silver on
both sides. this is a try at making one
that might scare birds as have been
ask for. i decided to make a owl sort
eyes and beek. looks different but
it is really shiney. let me know what
you think. thanks.

07 May 2010

9 in 4BD X 2

9 in 4BD X 2 that is made from black rip
stop nylon with one side coated silver.
the blades are cut and then resewed to
make the stripes. looks good when it spins.

16 April 2010

4 BD X 2 16 BD double spinner

4 BD X 2 16 in blades double spinner that
is made from poly sun screen and nylon that
is coated gold and silver.if the wind is blowing
on the blade you see first the line spins into
the center and the one on the back if you
went around there would spin out

18 March 2010

12 in 4 BD with sail

12 in 4 BD with sail for the
Champs 2010 N.O. saints.
the materal is nylon that is
gold coated on one side and
really is shinny.offical decals
on the blades. this made for
a real N.O. fan and was really
supprised by it.

07 March 2010

9 in BD X 4 with sail

9 in BD x 4 with sail made from poly
sun screen that is double thread so
that it is very heavy duty. this was made
for a coustomer daughter that likes pink
and black.

24 February 2010

12 in 4 BD U-F gator

12 in 4 BD U-F gator made from poly
sun screen materal both blade and trim.
The decals are offical and cost 30 dollars
with post for the 4 but i think they look
really good. I can get deacls for just about
any sport.

22 February 2010

16 in 2 BD X 4 sets

16 in 2 BD X 4 sets made from poly
sun screen materal and trim. center rod
about 40 in long. blades tip to tip about
32 in. blades 1 & 3 spin the same way
and 2 & 4 spin the other way. the spinner
will turn around with the wind and the blades
stop and spin the other way. thanks for
looking and feel free to ask questions will
try to answer all. DEAN

11 February 2010

12 in 4 BD with sail

12 in 4 BD with sail that is made
from poly sun screen both blade
and trim. If you have any queations
send me a email and will be glad to
reply and answer questions.
Thanks again to all that come
by to see.

06 February 2010

4 BD double 12 in

4BD double 12 in BDs made from
banner vinyl all. both BDs have the
same type of pattern on them only
one square , one circle both will make
rings of white when they spin.

26 January 2010

4 bd 12in double

4 bd 12 in double made with banner vinyl
blades and poly sun screen trin. has green
nylon frog design. made for buyer.

01 January 2010

16 in db blade spinner

16 in db two blade spinner. made
from poly sun screen materal with
banner vinyl trim on blades. blades
are about 34 in tip to tip. about
38 in front to back. THIS IS FIRST